FRAMR. Signage

The 7 characteristics of user-friendly software 994 537 Sebastian Loos

The 7 characteristics of user-friendly software


In this article:

  1. User Experience: Get away from complexity!
  2. The characteristics of user-friendly software
  3. Why is user experience important in the software sector?
  4. Digital signage: A great example of intuitive software
  5. UX as a criteria for choosing software
  6. The future development of user experience in the software sector 
  7. Conclusion

Traits of user friendly software


User Experience: Get away from complexity!

Ideally, software optimizes internal processes and increases efficiency – in this respect, the requirements of companies are clearly defined. However, many applications are complex and difficult to use due to the various functions. Therefore, another aspect has gained a lot of relevance, namely user experience. 

Many software applications do not meet the requirements in the area of user experience. They lack flexibility and intuitiveness. To address these challenges, software developers are increasingly paying attention to the user experience. Two aspects are focused on here: Making applications easier to use and that businesses make adjustments on their own. 

In this article, we take a closer look at the relevance of user experience in the software sector. We name key characteristics and what the future development looks like. We also give an example and why companies should also use usability as a decision criteria when choosing software. 


The characteristics of user-friendly software


User-friendly software is self-explanatory and easy to use. Familiarization phases are unavoidable, but should take little time. Core functions quickly catch the eye, and use is without queries to developers or manuals. A clear user interface encourages interaction between people and the application.



Even industry-specific software often fails to meet the diverse needs of companies. Depending on the product or target group, customizable solutions are required. This also plays an important role in terms of design, because every company has a corporate identity. Standardized software does not offer a target-oriented solution here. 



The flexibility of software is based on two characteristics. First, it should be possible for several people to work on an application at the same time. Second, software should ideally be compatible with multiple end devices and operating systems. This facilitates targeted collaboration and the design of efficient processes within the team. 



Software without a support function is often of limited use. In such cases, the only option is to consult with customer service, but this costs time. Developers should provide a help area or FAQ section so that users can overcome challenges on their own. 



Accessibility has become increasingly relevant in recent years.This does not only refer to the use by people with disabilities, because the focus is mainly on situational accessibility. Example: You want to watch a video on the train and have forgotten your headphones.Without subtitles, you can’t understand the content. 

Situational accessibility is relevant in the use of software. Every day, entrepreneurs edit their videos on their tablets or organize their teams on their cell phones. In this respect, it should be possible to use applications in any location and without restriction. 

Accessibility should not be confused with mobility. The latter refers to ensuring that applications function flawlessly on mobile devices. Accessibility concerns unrestricted use in various situations. 



This does not refer to ecological aspects, but to ensuring that software remains up to date in the long term. Depending on the industry, product and target group, requirements change and developers must adapt to changing customer needs. 


Meeting expectations

Usability is not just based on ease of use or that an application works across different devices. Most importantly, software must meet high expectations. The focus is still on the benefits of software, and with that comes certain expectations regarding functionality. Meeting these forms is a core characteristic of user experience. 


Why is user experience important in the software sector?

There are more and more location-independent start-ups or companies that have largely digitized their processes. Therefore, there is a greater dependence on apps and other technical applications. Many companies no longer function at all without software. 

With the current development in the field of AI and the increasing complexity of business ideas, the requirements for software are also increasing. Here, developers are faced with the challenge of meeting customer demands while providing a good user experience.

Software with poor user experience requires a long learning curve with many queries. This is compounded by difficulties in implementation, which slows down processes. Lack of customizability means that software does not provide the desired individual added value. And these difficulties cause additional costs or an increased expenditure of time. 


UX as a criteria for choosing software

The most important decision criteria when choosing a software are costs, efficiency, individual benefits and competitive advantages. One aspect often takes a back seat here, namely the user experience. 

As already mentioned, a poor user experience costs your company resources. In addition, a lack of adaptability can cause difficulties in connection with individual requirements. Such criteria definitely outweigh the economic aspect. While choosing cost-effective software saves more money, hurdles in terms of user experience are more expensive in the long run.


Digital Signage: A great example of intuitive software

User-friendly software is easy to operate and accessible via various end devices. In addition, there is ideally the possibility to make individual adjustments. However, there are other ways to make software more user-friendly – including allowing multiple people to use an application at the same time.

FRAMR’s digital signage software also meets these requirements. During development, our team made sure to combine customer requirements with user experience elements. In addition to ease of use, flexibility and customization, it is also possible for multiple people to use the application at the same time. 

Through an interactive interface, our customers create appealing designs with a manageable amount of work. A wide range of design options enables an individual target group approach in the corporate identity. Digital signage solutions are also industry-independent and can be used via mobile devices. In case of difficulties regarding the application, our support area is at your disposal, which deals with all important questions in detail. In addition, we offer a free trial version to familiarize yourself with the application in advance. Feel free to try it out and see for yourself!


The future development of user experience in the software sector 

The demand for high-quality software is increasing. The primary desire of users is to make applications as simple as possible. At the same time, users want a wide range of functions and individual application options. However, in terms of user experience, the two are only compatible to a limited extent. Sebastian from our marketing team also experiences this on a regular basis. He reports:

As a hobby musician, I use software for various tasks. Creating electronic drums and guitar riffs, cutting audio, creating videos, and so on. I’ve noticed that while there are more and more options and application scenarios, software is becoming more complex at the same time. Hardly any application can be used without a YouTube tutorial. Even a free video editing software with limited functions requires a three-hour training phase. 

One of the biggest challenges in software development is to meet higher demands while at the same time fulfilling user experience requirements. On the one hand, customers want more individuality and functions than with competing products. On the other hand, software is becoming more complex as a result – user-friendly solutions are relevant here. 



Software must meet user experience requirements in order for companies to fully realize efficiency benefits. Digital signage is a good example of this. However, more steps in user-centricity are important to unite advanced functionality and UX. 


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    Digital out of home
    Digital out of Home: Definition, Advantages and Examples 541 961 Sebastian Loos

    Digital out of Home: Definition, Advantages and Examples


    In this article, we explain what Digital out of Home means and go further into the benefits it offers to businesses.

    In this article:

    1. What is Digital out of Home?
    2. Important advantages for companies
    3. Digital out of Home Advertising: The best formats for ads
    4. Digital out of Home examples
    5. FRAMR: Your Software for DOOH Advertising
    6. Conclusion


    With Digital out of Home, advertising has changed in recent years. Gone are the days of posters or flyers, companies are increasingly relying on the strengths of digital applications. And for good reason, as they promise some advantages over traditional advertising methods. 

    But first things first. You may have noticed that more and more businesses are putting up digital screens. Your eye catches a display with advertising or information in almost every store while shopping in the city. Only one format is less present in comparison, namely digital out of home. 

    In this article you will learn everything you need to know about Digital out of Home. We clarify the definition, name advantages and possible areas of application. To sharpen your practical sense, we also show application scenarios for our software. 


    What is Digital out of Home?

    Digital out of Home describes the use of digital media to communicate advertising messages or information via outdoor displays. The goal is to expand reach, strengthen brand image, and reach more customers.

    We encounter out-of-home advertising every day in the form of posters or customer stoppers. For years, however, the trend has been toward digital out of home because companies are becoming aware of the advantages over classic advertising methods. These include flexible customization options, more design options, long-term cost savings and ecological aspects. 

    Digital out of Home applications are used in various industries. Among them are healthcare, hospitality, public administration, logistics, tourism and entertainment. And the increase is becoming increasingly apparent: in Germany alone, there are approximately 135,000 displays on 45,000 sites (as of 2022). 


    Digital out of Home: Important advantages for companies

    Reach building and an improved brand image sound promising, but strictly speaking, billboards also offer these benefits. That’s why we’re taking a closer look at the benefits and why digital out of home is a better choice compared to traditional advertising methods. 



    The process leading up to the poster takes a lot of time. In the first step, you need a designer to create a concept and marketing managers to define the actual content. Then the design is printed. These two steps already take a lot of time and cost money. In the last step, however, the poster still has to be installed. The last two steps usually take the longest.

    It’s not just a question of the resources used, but of the delay until new advertising campaigns start. In comparison, digital out of home solutions are more efficient because there are no additional costs for the design. The time required is also low, because content changes can be made in real time. 


    Competitive advantages

    Not many businesses take advantage of the strengths of Digital out of Home solutions. This on the other hand has advantages for your company, because your advertising stands out from the crowd and catches the eye better. These advantages probably won’t last forever as more companies realize the strengths of digital displays. But in 2023, there is still a lot of potential. 

    Digital advertising is better remembered and your business has more design options compared to traditional advertising methods. Accordingly, digital screens are a great way to better position yourself in the competitive marketplace. 


    More attention

    Digital advertising catches the eye better. Displays are more present and moving images or videos arouse our curiosity. So it stands to reason that DOOHM is the better alternative to billboards. In addition, there are advantages in terms of reach building and new customer acquisition. 


    New approaches in recruiting

    Digital out of Home opens up new ways of recruiting. Your company reaches prospective employees from the surrounding area and addresses them with targeted messages. Your company can position itself as a good employer, which also leaves a good impression on your target group. 


    Improved brand image

    Modern and appealing advertising improves the brand image of your company. With the various options in content creation, your company presents advertising messages that leave a lasting impression and stay better in the minds of your target audience. 



    Did you know that each package delivery emits 600 grams of CO2? An expense that is incurred with every delivery of flyers or posters. Digital out of home solutions are more environmentally friendly in comparison, because changes to content occur digitally and independent of location. 


    “Greater” regionality

    In the wake of digitalization, the focus is primarily on reaching out to national markets, but that doesn’t benefit every business. However, with digital out-of-home ads, your business can reach more people on a regional level and expand your local customer base. 

    In comparison, however, there are not only advantages. There are few public spots for Digital out of Home solutions, on the other hand, providers provide advantageous advertising locations for billboards. Depending on your location, you may have no alternative but to place your displays near your business. This limits your options in terms of expanding reach. However, this depends on the location, because there are many suitable spots for digital out of home solutions, especially in large cities.  


    Digital out of Home: The best formats for ads 

    There are different formats for digital out of home advertising. Some are more static, others are moving. And as with online advertising, certain formats work better, some worse. 

    • Infoboard: A commonly used format for communicating relevant information to one’s target audience, such as industry-specific news.
    • Digital steles: This format is mainly used in malls to promote products, sweepstakes or events. Companies also use this format at airports, train stations or in the event sector.
    • Digital customer stoppers: The alternative to the classic customer stopper offers an attractive way of addressing buyers for the retail sector. 
    • Digital advertising pillars: A rather unknown format for outdoor advertising. Digital advertising pillars quickly catch the eye and are suitable for ads with concise advertising messages. 
    • LED walls: A popular advertising format at trade shows to showcase new products or advertising messages. Many companies also use LED walls as outdoor stele. 

    Which formats work best depends on your company and individual goals. Your target audience also plays an important role. Plan a little more time for test phases in the beginning to find out which formats are suitable.


    Digital out of Home examples

    Your software for Digital out of Home advertising!

    FRAMR. is our answer to everyone who is looking for a high quality software for DOOH advertising. Intuitive, flexible and cloud-based – our software combines entrepreneurial requirements to an all-round carefree package. With the flexible application options and the numerous modules, the software meets high user demands. There are no restrictions in terms of compatibility and cross-advertising is also possible.

    FRAMR: The innovative solution for your business

    As experts, we develop high quality digital signage solutions for b2b businesses. The possible applications range from advertising to customer interaction. In doing so, we pursue the goal of improving digital structures of companies and modernizing their image. 

    Your advantages with FRAMR:

    ✔ Years of experience
    ✔ Highest safety standards
    ✔ Innovative technology that promises quality
    ✔ GDPR compliant solutions
    ✔ Cost transparency
    ✔ Great service
    ✔ User-friendly applications

    Contact us today to secure a no-obligation offer that fits your strategy. Our team of experts will provide you with helpful advice and support in the area of digitization. 


    Digital out of Home solutions are a target-oriented advertising format to improve the brand image and to gain more customers. Your company gains competitive advantages because only a few competitors use the strengths of DOOH solutions. You are flexible in content creation, your company’s carbon footprint improves and the entire communication structures become more efficient.

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      Green Signage
      Green signage: technology as a path to more sustainability 512 384 Sebastian Loos

      Green signage: technology as a path to more sustainability


      We list all the important aspects related to green signage and what companies need to do to use digital signage sustainably.

      Green Signage

      In the past years, a change in thinking has taken place. Not only in society, but also in entrepreneurship. The importance of social aspects and sustainability has increased significantly. The latter is also becoming increasingly important in technology – it is no longer just about productivity and efficiency, but also about environmental aspects and saving resources.

      Digital signage meets these requirements and convinces not only with its technical advantages but also with high environmental standards. In the following, we will look at why digital signage is a target-oriented technology for sustainable work processes and how the decisions of companies and legislators ensure resource-saving implementation.  


      How sustainable is digital signage? 

      First, let’s take a look at the sustainability of digital signage applications. Generally speaking, technologies are becoming more and more environmentally friendly and manufacturers have also recognized that companies are changing their priorities. In addition to good performance, they are also seeking durability in products and resource-saving work processes. Accordingly, digital signage application providers are also aiming to develop sustainable technologies. 



      Digital signage is not an application that already needs to be replaced or exchanged after a few years. The software is safe from failure and the high-quality processed hardware promises longevity. Although it can never be ruled out that a display will break, this is rather rarely the case. Even outdoor steles are safe from environmental influences and vandalism. 

      Not all companies use digital signage for continuous usage, which is why the load on displays is not very high. However, this does not mean that continuous usage leads to difficulties, because the applications are made for high loads. In both cases, digital signage promises long-lasting and sustainable use.

      And should a display fail, there is still maintenance and repair. Repairing hardware presents no difficulties and is a routine task for technicians. This shows a clear advantage over alternatives to digital signage applications in terms of sustainability. A good example is advertising: posters or flyers have to be disposed of after use, but with digital signage you can just change the content. 


      Production costs

      Since we are already talking about posters or flyers: The production effort for digital signage is low in comparison. Two components are required for use, namely software and hardware. The software does not require any components and the hardware consists of displays for usage and players for the software configuration. This results in lower production costs compared to traditional advertising methods. Flyers and posters are printed in high amounts and then disposed of. That is inefficient and not environmentally friendly.

      But the production effort is not only lower compared to advertising methods. Digitizing menus or providing information about upcoming events also saves resources. 


      Modern technology

      The FRAMR. team is currently converting its product range to ARM-based CPUs / GPUs, which (in addition to cost reduction) have significantly lower energy consumption in comparison to Intel / AMD-based hardware during operation. Most of our players are also fanless because the waste heat is correspondingly low due to the player and CPU architecture.


      Resource consumption

      When it comes to power consumption, cloud-based solutions are often criticized. But cloud computing is actually better for the environment than on-premise hosting and also promises greater efficiency. 

      Cloud computing promises a better infrastructure because content and functions can be accessed more quickly and less wattage needs to be accessed. Cloud-based solutions are also focused on efficient energy use and therefore regulate the temperatures of their servers better. 

      An interesting finding about the power consumption of a cloud: the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found in a case study that energy consumption drops by up to 87% when business software runs via a cloud. Sure, depending on the application and the cloud, power consumption varies, but at its core, cloud-based solutions require less power than the on-premise server. 


      Companies also have a responsibility

      The sustainable features of digital signage are not enough to make the technology resource-efficient. After all, it also depends on how businesses use the applications. Here we recommend the following measures to save electricity when using digital signage:


      Switch off displays 

      Some companies use digital signage 24 hours a day. This flexibility gives advantages in communication but it is not equally useful for every business. At night, it’s better to turn off applications to save power. It is also possible to turn off some displays during the day, for example, if they are placed in inconvenient locations. 


      Dimming displays

      Darkening monitors saves power and offers an alternative to turning them off completely. This has no disadvantages for targeting, as the content is still visible. And don’t worry about darkening either – with good room lighting, there are no difficulties and the content remains clearly visible. 


      Dark content

      Dark content consumes less power because the LEDs are not active. Doing without bright / white content is not a suitable solution for every business but it is definitely an alternative. However, it should be mentioned that this variant probably saves the least amount of electricity.



      The recycling process is not completely transferable to digital signage displays, but there is the possibility of reuse. Very bright displays lose some of their brightness over the years, these can then be operated in areas with little ambient light for further years without any problems.

      But the processing of certain components and parts is also a possible solution. The recycling process is not completely transferable to digital signage displays, but there is the possibility of reuse. According to a study by the Fraunhofer Institute, valuable raw materials can be recovered from display devices. The goal is to both reduce strategic dependence on raw material imports and avoid the environmental impact of disposing of the devices. 

      This approach also assists in reducing current hurdles to capturing end-of-life display devices. This refers to parts or components that are no longer available or manufactured. 


      Buying high-quality products 

      When buying digital signage, companies ideally make sure that they purchase durable hardware. Low-cost suppliers from China or consumer displays from electronics retailers offer nowhere near the durability of professional displays (e.g. Sanyo).


      Can legislative changes ensure more sustainability? 

      In the context of digital signage, it is difficult to legislate for resource conservation. But in general, there are several ways to ensure more sustainability in technology beyond the legal route.


      Introduce certificates 

      Certifications should be viewed critically because large companies use them for a lot of greenwashing. Positive changes are therefore only possible if the requirements change and the legislator sets higher quality standards. A certificate should not serve the image, but be an objective, qualitative proof for environmentally friendly technology and work processes. This is the only way to increase their value again and provide the end customer with more transparency. Certificates should ideally be available to companies of all sizes so that there is no distortion of competition. 


      Repair instead of throwaway society

      Disposing of displays harms the environment. Repairs, on the other hand, ensure longevity, which also reduces the environmental impact. An obligation to repair is less effective because displays may break down and can no longer be repaired – but the legislator has the option of making companies responsible if they throw away their displays directly and do not carry out the repair. 


      Avoid greenwashing

      The already mentioned greenwashing has become more relevant in the past years. It’s a negative trend as companies boast about supposedly environmentally friendly ways of working. Digital signage offers a sustainable solution for businesses, but this should not be allowed to mislead them into positioning themselves as environmentally conscious when, in the overall scheme of things, their work processes do not conserve resources. “Green” can only be called by those who manufacture, distribute or use sustainable technologies. 


      Create transparency

      Digital signage applications from FRAMR. promise both durability and high quality standards. However, there are also providers who do not use high-quality displays and thus promise less performance, but also ensure a poorer environmental balance. Customers should therefore be able to see where the displays come from or how efficient they are. More transparency ensures that sustainable and fairly produced applications have a stronger presence. And in terms of environmental protection, that’s a good thing.


      Promoting knowledge

      Bans and sanctions alleviate the symptoms, but don’t address the root causes. Transparency and knowledge promotion are essential to achieving sustainable goals. Whether it’s training, education programs or transparency obligations for companies, legislators ideally focus on education rather than sanctions because the impact achieved is greatest. Knowledge is passed on through trusted entities and thus awareness develops equally among all stakeholders involved in the process. 


      How digital signage supports sustainable goals

      Apart from the resource-saving advantages, digital signage also supports the implementation of sustainable goals. Advertising campaigns are paperless and no printed flyers or posters are necessary. In addition, there is less space available for the content on posters or flyers, which further increases the printing effort.

      In gastronomy, at least in small cafés or snack bars, digital signage also largely replaces menus. Image films or digital information material also reduce the amount of printing required for advertising materials at trade fairs. 

      It is not possible to replace all business processes with digital signage. But that is not the goal either. Rather, it is about discovering sustainable alternatives and using them. Digital signage offers a good foundation for this and thus reduces power consumption in the business.

      Depending on the size of the company and its goals, digital signage also reduces the amount of used paper. An example of this are interactive terminals with digital raffles. Normally, visitors or customers fill out a card and with that they participate in a raffle. However, with digital signage the entry is made via the touchscreen and completely digitally.

      In the future, there will be further advances in connection with digital signage. The applications started as advertising boards and information terminals, but now they offer many possible applications. In terms of security, there are no more gaps and the design options are flexible. Digital signage is also developing more and more in terms of sustainable aspects and helps companies to design work processes in a more environmentally friendly way. 



      Digital signage is, when used correctly, an environmentally friendly technology that offers a wide range of benefits. Provided one of the company’s goals is to implement sustainable work processes, digital signage offers a good solution regardless of the industry. However, additional actions and measures by buyers and legislators are required to ensure maximum environmental standards. 

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        The scalability of FRAMR. Signage 1024 861 Sebastian Loos

        The scalability of FRAMR. Signage


        How scalable is digital signage? And to what extent can it grow with the company? In this article we provide the answers!

        Skalierbarkeit von Digital Signage

        Due to digitalization, companies are growing faster than ever before. This is because it is easier to automate processes and address a cross-regional target group. There are also various ways to make existing processes more efficient. 

        The connection between digitization and company growth is also confirmed by a Microsoft study – which states that companies that have taken steps toward digitization at an early stage grow the fastest. 

        Software is also indispensable for successful growth. There are solutions for every industry that promise greater efficiency and automate business processes. But apart from that, it is also important that software meets increasing requirements and is scalable

        In the following, we address the scalability of digital signage solutions. We explain how our software solution, FRAMR. Signage, deals with increasing requirements and supports companies in the long term with digitalization. 


        What does scalability mean in the context of digital signage?

        Scalability means that an application ensures the same functionality or benefits as requirements increase. In the context of software, scalability refers to being able to handle an increasing number of users or demand without losing performance or limiting functionality. 

        Example: let’s say you have a small business and want to digitize your advertising. To achieve this goal, you invest in digital signage software. To implement it, you want to set up three displays to better target potential customers. After a sustained period of growth, your company expands and relocates. You want to set up nine displays instead of three. Also, the scope expands – not just advertising is the focus, but also employee communication and real-time interaction through terminals. A scalable system easily meets these requirements and promises straightforward implementation.

        Scalability of Digital Signage


        Scalability of FRAMR. Signage

        Software requirements increase as companies expand. This is because there is an increased demand in terms of application scenarios or the amount of data consumed. Often the team also grows and it must be ensured that several people use the same software at the same time. 

        Digital signage solutions are no exception. As shown in the example, the areas of use may expand and thus the demand for certain functions also increases. Good software must also be able to play out content across multiple monitors at the same time. 

        -> As demands increase and growth continues, FRAMR. solutions provide consistent performance. Let’s take a detailed look at scalability and how your business can benefit from it.



        Whether monitor, LED or audio – the FRAMR. Players are designed for versatile use. As your needs grow, you can add another player to the application at any time, allowing you to play on more displays. 


        Data volume

        More displays also means more queries at the same time. Accordingly, solutions are required that can handle high data volumes to ensure trouble-free operation. Since FRAMR. Signage runs on a cloud and offers maximum performance standards, even the simultaneous operation of ten displays is no problem. 


        Application areas

        Digital signage promises cross-industry application for various fields of use. You can open up further areas of application at any time, be it in employee communication or in addressing customers. In doing so, you can expand and automate various company processes and areas more efficiently. 


        Design possibilities

        Let’s say you want to digitize your company’s advertising and reach more potential customers with a combination of images and videos. However, in order to exploit additional advantages in addressing target groups, gamification elements and an interactive experience are also useful. FRAMR. Signage works for all of these application scenarios. And with the sensor-based technology of our players, you can also design the target group approach flexibly. 

        -> Learn more about FRAMR. modules and how you can use digital signage. 


        Security and support

        Regardless of the amount of data retrieved, FRAMR. Signage offers the highest security standards. Your data is safe, and we also take care of updates and monitoring to identify cyber-attacks as well as other threats. It doesn’t matter if you have been using digital signage for a short time or if your company is in the growth phase. You can read more about the security standards of our software here. 


        Continuous operation

        FRAMR. Signage is designed for 24h/continuous operation. Your company benefits from more performance at constant costs as well as from a time-flexible target group approach. 


        Team processing

        FRAMR.’s cloud-based service enables decentralized editing of your content. It is possible for several people to use the software and create content at the same time. This saves your company time and makes it more flexible. 



        Our team is aware of the requirements for FRAMR. grow together with the company. Accordingly, we offer our customers advantageous subscription prices that promise financial benefits for additional functions. 



        FRAMR. Signage grows together with your business. Our in-house digital signage solution is designed for sustainable business growth and offers you more power at fair prices as your needs grow.


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          Digital Signage as efficiency boost
          Digital signage as an efficiency booster for your business 1024 768 Sebastian Loos

          Digital signage as an efficiency booster for your business


          Digital signage not only enhances a company’s image, but also makes work processes more efficient.

          Digital Signage at WKO

          Digital signage applications support the creation of a modern brand image. High-resolution displays grab the eye and the versatile design options meet high demands in terms of design.

          But the possibilities of digital signage go beyond that. Depending on the area of use, the applications also promise greater efficiency in the company, especially in communication. In the following, we explain the various ways in which digital signage can be used efficiently and provide tips for practical application.


          Centralized communication

          By using digital signage, communication is done through a cloud-based / centralized application that broadcasts content to all connected players. This makes it easy to highlight training or events.

          This also provides advantages when communicating work orders, plans and shopping lists. In fact, your business is flexible and transparent, and at the same time communication channels become shorter. 

          Digital signage creates few ambiguities when conveying information. The space for a flyer or a blackboard is limited, but FRAMR. displays offer a lot of space for communication/presentation of important information. Alternatively, you can arrange multiple slides in a row.


          Fast real-time updating of content 

          Digital signage allows updating information in real time. This is beneficial when something important changes at scheduled events, such as the location or time. Neither posters nor flyers offer this flexibility. 

          It also makes it easier to remind your team about upcoming events. Circular emails may well end up in the spam folder, but the countdown on a digital display catches the eye.

          By the way, don’t worry about employees overlooking the displays. The FRAMR. Text-to-Speech module provides you with a voice reproduction of text content. This ensures transparent communication. 


          Improved customer communication

          Info terminals facilitate customer communication and leave a good impression on the target group. This is an advantage especially for malls and large companies, because employees can concentrate on their core business and navigation as well as service is (partly) taken over by digital signage. 

          Targeted product advertising also increases efficiency in Businesses, because customers have more points of contact with the offer in strategically placed digital signage applications. Combined with a beautiful design, sales figures increase with less service effort. 

          There is also the possibility to communicate product information, schedules, instructions and event details. FRAMR. info terminal module allows individual interaction through the use of a touch screen, allowing each visitor / customer to access the desired information. 


          Short preparation times in marketing

          Campaign planning definitely needs a long preparation time. Discount campaigns require advertising posters or boards that first have to be produced and printed. The time required is high, as is the financial investment for design and printing. 

          Digital signage promises a fast and uncomplicated process here. Designs are created in real time and no print material is required, which means campaigns take a shorter preparation time. 


          Summary: The efficiency advantages of digital signage at a glance

          • Increased flexibility in communication and content creation
          • Updating of content in real time 
          • Cost savings through self-service 
          • No printing costs for advertising campaigns
          • Transparent and automated (customer) communication

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            Anforderungen an Digital Signage
            7 important requirements for the use of digital signage 1024 576 Sebastian Loos

            7 important requirements for the use of digital signage


            In this article we list the seven most important requirements for the use of digital signage applications.

            Digital Signage Requirements

            By investing in digital applications, businesses promise themselves certain advantages. Especially in terms of efficiency and transparency in communication. However, not every company takes advantage of these benefits, the reason is often inadequate planning.

            Digital signage is a good example of this. The applications promise advantages in the area of advertising, but without a content strategy, your business will still not achieve its marketing goals. In fact, digital signage solutions are a regular part of comprehensive planning, which also takes into account issues related to content or locations. Therefore, we present to you the seven most important requirements for the successful use of digital signage.


            Overview of the requirements for digital signage

            It all depends on the right objectives

            A clear objective is the key factor for the successful use of digital signage. What does your business want to achieve? More sales through advertising? A better user experience? Or are there difficulties with internal communication? 

            First of all, define your goals and only then take the following steps. If possible, include KPIs to measure success, such as sales figures or how many people participate in a sweepstakes. 

            This also depends on your target audience. While the many design possibilities of digital signage offer your business advantages in content creation, your main goal should be to convince the target audience. Many companies get lost in the variety of design options but sometimes the simplest solutions are the best. So don’t overdo your options, because it will be perceived as annoying in the worst case. Better to keep it simple, but in line with the desires of your target audience.


            Budget planning

            FRAMR. offers you two subscription plans to choose from. You can also choose from different hardware solutions and add-ons. A basic budget planning, taking into account the objectives, creates transparency regarding the costs. 

            This is not only about the purchase of digital signage, but also about personnel costs for content creation. Although Digital signage offers you cost advantages compared to traditional advertising methods, the applications are still not a no-brainer. Your team first needs to get familiar with the functions, carry out test runs and try out different formats. This results in additional financial expenses – so you’d better plan your budget a little more generously. 


            Content creation

            As already mentioned, digital signage offers your company a wide range of design options. However, the focus is on your target group. The most important thing is to implement content ideas that are beneficial for your business. In an advertising campaign, the focus is not on the complexity of a design, but on how well it appeals to your target audience. 

            Videos generally work very well, but FRAMR. Signage offers you other modules for a targeted approach. For example, image galleries, countdowns, and text-to-speech.


            Location selection

            The location is also crucial for the use of digital signage. The screens should not be placed too high, but also not too unimpressive. They should not block the way either. 

            Ideally, digital signage applications are highly visible, but not distracting or too obtrusive. The following pictures of our customer projects will sharpen your sense for the right location:

            Digital Signage Pluscity

            Machsport Digital Signage

            Digital Signage Sign

            It also depends on your industry. In a small store, digital signage applications are well placed in the window as well as behind the counter. In a mall, on the other hand, it is more practical to place info terminals next to the entrance to ensure good navigation. 


            Time frame

            FRAMR. Signage is quick to get up and running, but you need to get to know the applications first. It may well take a few weeks before you are familiar with all the features. Take enough time to get to know the functions. 

            As mentioned earlier, you also need to consider human resources. Your team is unfamiliar with the applications and will need a training period. Marketers don’t yet know the individual software requirements, and it should be noted across departments that information exchange will be done via digital signage in the future. Such processes take time. 


            Know the individual requirements

            Every business is different and so are the requirements. This refers not only to the target group, but also to the location, the use of resources and the application possibilities. While the requirements mentioned so far apply equally to all companies, even more important are the individual requirements and also possible hurdles.

            Example: Digital signage displays are ideally located at eye level and at hotspots (e.g. entrances). This makes them stand out quickly and your target audience is better focused on the content. However, not all businesses are able to place displays at the entrance. 

            In this case, it is difficult to meet the requirements and alternatives must be found. What those are, depends on your business – either free up space or move the displays elsewhere. 


            Be aware of all the advantages

            Digital signage is a true all-rounder and offers you a lot of advantages. Whether in terms of efficiency, improving communication or expanding organizational structures. You should use this versatility for your business

            Example: You plan to create advertising campaigns with digital signage. The goals are clearly defined, namely a better appearance, more reach and higher sales figures. However, after two years you want to expand the scope of digital signage and use it as a presentation medium for in-house training. With the available FRAMR. Modules this plan is easy to realize. 

            First, decide on a goal and familiarize yourself with digital signage applications. Then you can expand the areas of application and improve the communication structures in your company holistically. 

            Know your goals and set the direction. But be open to change and use digital signage for different areas of your business. This way you will get the most out of your investment and lay the foundation for the successful digitization of internal processes. 

            -> If you want to know more about the areas of application, we recommend our blog article about the different application areas of digital signage. 



            The requirements for digital signage take into account budget planning in particular, but also the choice of location and human resource affairs. Deal with the requirements in advance in order to achieve your goals with digital signage – grant your team a time buffer so that everyone deals with the functions and gets to know the applications.

            Contact us


              Digital Signage for the public sector
              10 Eye-catching content ideas for digital signage 1024 768 Sebastian Loos

              10 Eye-catching content ideas for digital signage


              We present 10 eye-catching content ideas for digital signage.

              Digital signage offers your business innovative solutions for many application scenarios. Whether marketing, presentation or employee communication – there are no limits to your creativity. However, we have made the experience that businesses often have too concrete ideas about their areas of application and limit themselves to these. An approximate plan is a good thing, but you tend to overlook your possibilities. That’s why we want to inspire you with the following content ideas! 


              News and events

              With digital signage you can point out current news or events. This doesn’t necessarily have to be information about discount promotions, you can also display information about opening hours, for example.

              You are completely flexible in the design and have no long preparation times – simply create the content within a few minutes and play it out or adapt it in real time. 

              Using digital signage applications, your target group can also interact and navigate independently with information terminals. The intuitive user interface makes it easy. Combine this with gamification elements and you offer your target audience an appealing and interactive user experience, which at the same time does not distract from the essentials. 


              Product presentations

              Did you know that 91% of consumers prefer visual content over text? That means, without digital signage you would be missing out on some opportunities in terms of audience engagement! The versatile options in content creation will showcase your product range perfectly and convince your customers. You want a video presentation? No problem! Or are you into something outstanding and want to present your products audio-visually? This is also possible with digital signage. 

              Thanks to versatile hardware options, you are hardly limited in the format – not to mention the presentation in the highest resolution. Flexibility, quality and wow effects, only digital signage can do that!



              Social Media Posts

              Keep your customers up to date and present them your stunning social media feeds! You posted a gripping video on TikTok only a few days ago? Or an informative post on Facebook? Then show it off to your customers! And if your business has already reached a milestone or two on social media, you can proudly show off the follower count (good for social proof!).


              Customer reviews

              Speaking of social proof, nothing builds trust like reviews from satisfied customers. It’s up to you in which format the testimonials are displayed. Whether text with customer image or star badge. Testimonials won’t distract from the essentials either, because you can freely arrange content and display customer reviews in a small format, for example.


              Tips and tricks

              The possibilities in content creation offer you a lot of scope for creative designs. Use this for your business and present helpful tips that offer added value. Many medical practices show hygiene tips via digital signage, for example. And with beautiful pictures or videos, the whole thing doesn’t look uninspired, but attractive and appealing.



              Keep it simple! It doesn’t always have to be elaborate and complicated. A few pictures, videos or audio tracks arouse curiosity and enhance the appearance of your company. 

              Inspiration: Show a countdown and when it expires, you can present the latest news or new products, for example. Be creative and use the element of surprise for yourself! 



              Live streams

              You know how it is: at lunch in a fast food restaurant or with a piece of cake in a café, sports or musical entertainment provides the ideal feel-good factor. Digital signage offers an integrated live stream function for playing sports, music or other content. 


              Employee communication

              Not only your target audience benefits from the strengths of innovative digital signage applications, but also your employees. Use the diverse design options and communicate current information with appealing, visual designs. 



              Sure, discount promotions always work. But with a nice visual presentation they are even better received by your target group, because besides the price reduction, the design plays an important role. 


              Your creativity

              We keep the last content idea quite general and appeal to your creative vein. You don’t have to stick to the guidelines, because digital signage offers you a lot of creative leeway. Try something new, try your own creations and dare to do something unusual. Digital signage combines the strengths of digital marketing with the approaches of user experience and promises an innovative end result to address its target audience. 


              That’s not all!

              Our content ideas serve as inspiration, but there are more possibilities. Digital signage is intuitive, flexible and visually appealing – a combination that promises your business some advantages in terms of marketing and communication. 

              So be sure to take a look at the FRAMR. Cockpit to explore the versatile world of digital signage and your design options. 

              Are you curious? Then contact us! We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about digital signage and how it can benefit your business.


              Contact us


                Digital Signage in PlusCIty
                Statistics prove: Digital signage works! [2024] 1024 768 Sebastian Loos

                Statistics prove: Digital signage works! [2024]

                STATISTICS PROVE:
                DIGITAL SIGNAGE WORKS!

                Have you ever wondered if Digital Signage actually works? Well, this article is the answer to your questions!

                Digital Signage in PlusCIty

                Have you ever wondered why YouTube Reels and TikTok videos do so well? It’s not because of the content or because these channels/formats are trending, it’s because the videos are barely longer than 30 seconds. 

                We always want more variety and new things in the media world – that’s also one of the reasons why more and more businesses invest in digital signage. The flexible display options combined with the wide variety of designs enable the same effect as short videos and draw attention to your company. 

                But these are by far not the only advantages of digital signage. They range from process optimization and modern marketing to user experience. We thought: Let’s pack the most important statistics* into a blog article and let the numbers speak for themselves! 

                *At the end of the article you will find all sources for the statistics. 


                Visual is simply better

                Beautiful, visual layouts are an important component for successful targeting. The popularity of social media channels can be explained by the fact that visual elements like images and videos are better remembered than text alone. Digital signage is also a visual medium and this promises your business corresponding advantages in addressing target groups. 

                This is also proven by statistics: 91% of consumers prefer visual elements over text content or want images/videos to complement blogs


                Let me entertain you!

                Lunch at the fast food restaurant simply tastes better when live streams or music videos are broadcast. After all, the whole thing contributes to a good atmosphere. And this plays an important role for customers, because more than 80% also judge a company by its appearance.

                In terms of presentation, digital signage is convincing all over the place. Hardware in different, high-quality resolutions and versatile possibilities in content creation promise a great feel-good atmosphere.


                Interaction is fun and drives sales

                You can combine digital signage with gamification elements to encourage user interaction. You don’t necessarily have to create quizzes; surveys at info terminals are also well received. Statistics prove this too: In the U.S., 30% of 16- to 24-year-olds report a positive experience with gamification

                Other statistics show that the use of gamification elements improves playful interaction with the target group as well as customer acquisition. While these benefits do not relate directly to digital signage, it does show the impact that gamified interaction has on target audiences. 


                Digital signage promises a good user experience

                In 2023, user experience is on everyone’s mind. A mix of beautiful designs, easy-to-understand content and accessibility add up to one of the most important requirements for businesses. Even Google updates its quality guidelines regularly to ensure websites are pushing user experience.

                Statistics show that approximately 94% of users form their first impression about a company based on its web design. This confirms how important it is to have a modern, but also appealing look. However, this statistic doesn’t just refer to the design, otherwise it wouldn’t be about the user experience. Rather, it’s about the overall impression, including how easy a website is to use. If we transfer the whole thing to digital signage, we come to the same conclusion, because it is much easier for target groups to interact with companies.

                Here are a few examples:

                • In shopping malls, visitors can navigate easily.
                • Cinemas give out numbers for orders and through digital signage these are displayed to tell visitors they can pick up their snacks. 
                • In trade fairs, digital signage applications can show the way to different halls.


                Not only your target group benefits

                Investing in digital signage applications has benefits for your target audience, but also for your business. Processes are automated, adjustments are made in real time, marketing test phases are shorter and you are more flexible overall. This results in long-term cost savings, modernization of your business and advantages in competition. 

                To illustrate the advantages for businesses, let’s take the example of gamification again. Through individually created surveys, your company gains more information about the wishes and suggestions of its customers. In turn, you can use this to optimize existing processes and improve both your offering and your service. Ideally, you combine the benefits for your target audience to ensure advantages for your company. 


                Can’t traditional marketing do that too?

                When we present the advantages of digital signage, we should accordingly draw a comparison to classic marketing methods. Here, however, it is clear that digital signage emerges as the winner. 

                The real challenge of e.g. posters is to update them regularly. Via digital signage applications you have access to your content at any time and can adapt it in real time. The effort behind posters or magazines is much more complex. In addition, visitors can’t navigate as easily. 

                The comparison between digital signage and classic advertising methods should not only be viewed from the perspective that one measure is better than the other. Rather, it’s about the benefits for companies. Digital signage is flexible, user-friendly, accessible, interactive and state-of-the-art. There may be companies that don’t benefit, but those are few exceptions.

                We don’t need to draw the comparison between digital signage and other online marketing efforts like blogs or social media. After all, they complement each other. Through RSS or social media modules you can display postings through digital signage applications and give them more reach. 


                Away from the numbers: What does digital signage look like in practice?

                Let’s move away from statistics and give it a more practical approach. Below we present you a few pictures from existing projects to let digital signage have an effect on you and bring you closer to the atmosphere:

                If you want to know more about it, take a look at our Use Cases. You can expect more ideas for the practical implementation of digital signage. Of course, you can also learn more about the application possibilities and how your business can best use digital signage. 

                Digital information point in PlusCity

                Digital Signage business application in a cinema



                Conclusion: User Experience is King!

                In our digitized world, user experience takes on an important role. With applications like digital signage, it’s no different – your target audience wants a modern look and flexibility, while at the same time the applications should be as straightforward as possible and offer variety. Many companies have recognized this and are therefore increasingly saying goodbye to classic advertising measures such as posters or customer stoppers.

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                  Digital Signage in a waiting room
                  Digital signage and videos: A dream combination! 1024 768 Sebastian Loos

                  Digital signage and videos: A dream combination!

                  A DREAM COMBINATION

                  Videos are a great way to interact with your target audience – and they work extremely well with digital signage! 

                  Videos are positioning themselves as the undisputed number 1 among the various content formats. There’s a reason why YouTube ranks second among the most popular social media channels and formats like Instagram reels or TikTok videos are becoming increasingly popular. 

                  So why not use these strengths for your own business? Digital signage enables high-definition video playback and engages the human eye with varied content. But there are even more reasons for using videos via digital signage – we’ll explain which ones in this article.



                  Visual content works 

                  Researchers confirm that we process videos almost 60,000 times better than text. So it stands to reason that videos leave a good impression on the target audience and are better remembered. This also shortens the path to a purchase decision, because potential customers remember your content better and therefore need fewer touch points with your business before making a decision. 


                  Videos tell a story

                  Your business pursues specific goals with content. This doesn’t just mean objective metrics like website traffic, but also what impact the content is having. This is also about influencing what your target audience wants. And what better way to do that than with videos that tell a story and are structured according to the principles of storytelling? 

                  Your application possibilities with FRAMR. Signage goes much further than storytelling or advertising. Our software promises targeted brand communication and also the playback of testimonials or information about events. You can also provide insights into your business or present social projects. 


                  Videos are better remembered

                  Videos appeal directly to your target audience. But more important is the personal aspect – with videos you give your brand a voice. This makes it much easier for (potential) customers to identify your business in a competitive environment.

                  Personality and individuality will be very important in 2023, because in a growing market it is not necessarily the best products or services that win through, but those that are best remembered. That’s why more and more companies are investing in visual content to secure competitive advantages and interact better with their own target audience. 


                  The short attention span

                  Our attention span is getting shorter and shorter and at the same time, content communicated via videos is easier to understand. Add that to the already mentioned advantage that videos communicate messages more efficiently. Optimize this experience even further with background music or images in your corporate identity and you create an experience that will be remembered. With the right content, you can reach a lot of people and therefore win more new clients. 

                  But digital signage also promises you some advantages in corporate communication. Videos as a presentation medium increase the attention of your audience and convey core messages much more efficiently or underline your statements. 

                  With the applications of FRAMR. this effect is intensified, because digital signage itself is a real eye-catcher, whose strengths only few of your competitors use. Combined with videos, your business presents itself with a modern appearance that leaves a lasting impression.

                  Digital Signage in the Surace cafe


                  Personality? Yes, please!

                  Videos bring us closer to a brand. We relate to the products of companies and feel connected to them. This has the nice side effect that videos are shared. We recognize in them a personal added value or a message directed at us and are happy to share it accordingly. 

                  Businesses with personality position themselves more strongly among the competition in the long term. Test it yourself: Visit ten different websites and ask yourself which ones are best remembered. We guarantee that websites with a lot of visual content, especially videos, will leave the best impression and you will relate to the companies faster. 

                  Use the power of humor and other emotions. Videos alone do not put the personal component in the center, but a combination of emotions, color elements and targeted messages.


                  Your business saves time

                  Creating videos doesn’t take long. 60-second content conveys more information than long texts or picture spreads. This is a win-win situation for content creation, because your business saves resources and at the same time potential customers are addressed in a targeted manner. 

                  With digital signage you are flexible and can play videos across multiple channels. If your business is active on YouTube or TikTok, for example, the videos from your channels can be easily integrated via the FRAMR. digital signage application.


                  Pleasant stay

                  Doctor’s offices use digital signage to broadcast the TV program or their own videos. This is a great way to bridge the long waiting times. Patients perceive their stay as pleasant and this also improves the image of the doctors office. 


                  Videos promote interaction

                  Imagine the following scenario: You are walking in a mall and a digital signage terminal catches your eye. The video played on it invites you to take part in a survey and promotes it with a coupon that is raffled off among all participants. Will you take part?

                  Maybe you’re not the type to participate in surveys, but we’re all about comparison to other content formats. As an alternative to video, flyers remain, for example, but they are invisible in comparison – they don’t seem inviting and most people don’t even notice them. 

                  With digital signage, it’s a different story, because the high-resolution applications arouse curiosity. Combined with videos, your business benefits from an eye-catcher that promises more interactive possibilities (e.g. through gamification). 


                  You strengthen your branding

                  Videos are an excellent presentation medium and you can use that for your brand. Combine your target audience approach with the corporate identity and you get a strong medium for the modern representation of your business. 

                  The following video communicates our brand and gives you an insight how the company presentation can be combined with the product preview.



                  How to use digital signage for videos successfully

                  As mentioned at the beginning, short videos are well received. Our attention spans are getting shorter and shorter, and that explains why TikTok videos, YouTube shorts, and Instagram reels are so popular. But it’s not just the length of the videos that matters, but what your target audience wants. Product presentations can be a bit longer, as can videos with tips and tricks. 

                  So don’t just think about the length of the videos, but also about the wishes of your target group and pay attention to meaningful content. Short videos don’t offer any depth of content and that can also be a disadvantage. So better focus on the formats. 

                  Below we present you a few ideas to successfully use digital signage applications from FRAMR. for videos: 

                  • Product presentations
                  • Employee communication
                  • Advertising
                  • News
                  • TikTok and YouTube videos
                  • Use Cases
                  • Information
                  • Presentation of current projects
                  • Insights into the working environment

                  Do you have questions about the application possibilities of digital signage and would you like some non-binding advice? Then contact us, we are happy to help you!

                  Contact us


                    5 ways to more accessibility in marketing 994 537 Lukas Aumair

                    5 ways to more accessibility in marketing


                    Inclusion belongs to the biggest challenges of our society and of businesses. We present 5 concepts to increase accessibility in marketing.

                    Table of contents

                    1. Accessibility in marketing: A challenge with many facets
                    2. Greenwashing 2.0? What businesses need to consider
                    3. 5 ways to more accessibility in marketing
                    4. Conclusion


                    The most important in a nutshell

                    • Methods to increase accessibility facilitate the interaction between businesses and people with disabilities or handicap
                    • Inclusion must not be promoted under the same guise as other societal challenges (e. g. sustainability)
                    • Changes in communication and advertising increase accessibility in marketing


                    Accessibility in marketing: A challenge with many facets

                    Inclusion belongs to the biggest challenges of our society. Our economy as its engine accordingly plays an important role. But many businesses fail to face challenges in accessibility. The main problem is not the comfort zone but rather the fact that accessibility requires an optimization and restructuring of existing business processes. 

                    In this article we will further talk about accessibility in marketing and which opportunities are given to improve communication between businesses and humans with handicaps. Limitations mostly affect human senses, especially listening and seeing. But often there are linguistic hurdles – many people have a reading and spelling disability for instance which is why they don’t understand complex content.

                    Some businesses already succeed in executing accessibility but there is still potential left. Digital transformation ensures a precise optimization of existing business processes but many companies fail to establish methods to increase accessibility.

                    → Just ask yourself at this point if you have ever seen static facebook advertisements with audio display? Or how many websites do you know which provide functions to support accessibility? You will probably realize that there are no pioneers in this area. 

                    Countries like Germany even agreed to execute a law to increase accessibility. The law will be executed in 2025 and that comes with some pressure because yet, too many businesses fail to improve accessibility.


                    Greenwashing 2.0? What businesses need to consider

                    Accessibility in marketing should not become some kind of guise to purposely seek out advantages in competition. This development can be seen in sustainability – many businesses, even big ones like Aldi, promote their supposed sustainable products and advertise with sustainability-seals to position themselves as pioneers in this area. But often these products aren’t sustainable and those eco-seals can be attained under the easiest requirements. This is called “Greenwashing”.

                    Inclusion shouldn’t reach this dimension. It would be too much to ask that companies no longer see their own advantage in restructuring existing processes, but that is not the point. Furthermore, businesses shouldn’t place themselves as pioneers when they don’t meet their responsibilities fully. Who considered accessibility in marketing, but won’t execute it in other business areas, isn’t any different from companies which claim to be sustainable but still produce tons of CO2.

                    But back to the topic of accessibility: Don’t use inclusion as an advertising medium. Good service will pay off sooner or later because businesses which consider accessibility will have advantages over their competitors in the long term.


                    5 ways to more accessibility in marketing

                    To push accessibility in marketing further, innovative improvements are required in the first step. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to ensure that. Simple rethinking will help you to try out new ideas or to execute existing approaches in a way to meet requirements of accessibility.

                    Overview of the five ways:

                    • Plugins for your website
                    • Focus on new marketing methods
                    • Content distribution
                    • Make interaction easier
                    • Creative elements


                    Plugins for your website

                    In times of digitization more and more businesses take advantage of a blog to expand brand awareness and to generate more website visitors. These visitors are turned into leads to interact with the business in the long term. That results in advantages regarding customer acquisition and loyalty as well as businesses selling more goods and products.

                    Because of the mentioned reasons, the focus is more on improving the user experience of a website. The goal is to provide better interaction possibilities for users in order to strengthen the brand image. Hereby businesses especially focus on improving the mobile version of a website.
                    But in the field of accessibility there is not a lot happening and there are barely websites which take on these challenges. Thereby there are many ways to integrate accessible functions on your website. WordPress users can easily expand their website with accessible functions by using plugins.

                    You can use the following plugins to ensure more accessibility in your marketing:

                    • One Click Accessibility
                    • Accessibility for WP
                    • Text Zoom
                    • Accessibility by UserWay
                    • Screen Reader Accessibility

                    When implementing these plugins, make sure they are compatible with your website. Additional plugins possibly have a negative impact on PageSpeed which will also worsen the user experience on your website.


                    Focus on new marketing methods

                    Businesses which don’t recognize digital marketing trends will struggle a lot against their competitors in the next few years. Those who follow marketing trends will establish new ways of communication with their target group and will therefore position themselves in the field of accessible applications.

                    Let’s go back to mobile versions of a website once again. An optimized responsive web design belongs to search engine optimization criteria and will therefore improve your Google ranking. That’s why you will barely find a web designer who will not optimize the mobile version of your website anymore. Although the criteria of search engine optimization plays a much bigger role for businesses, it will still have a positive impact on accessibility in marketing.

                    -> So while you are trying to improve the position of your business by executing digital marketing methods, you will improve user experience and therefore accessibility as well. Win-win.


                    Content distribution ensures more accessibility in marketing

                    All forms of marketing reach different groups of persons and their preferences in processing information. For instance, blog articles are great for providing in-depth and very informational content. Podcasts on the other hand are convincing with practical examples and more flexibility.

                    → Both marketing methods have one thing in common: They guarantee accessibility.

                    Blog articles communicate information in writing which is why they are a good alternative for people with a hearing disability which therefore don’t find any access to podcasts. But podcasts on the other hand are an auditive source of knowledge which is a great alternative for people with a reading and spelling disability.

                    Combine different content channels to ensure a barrier free interaction with your target audience. To be fair, a broad content distribution requires temporal as well as financial resources but a good content strategy will improve accessibility even when you only use a few different content marketing channels.


                    Creative elements

                    Creative elements support accessibility in marketing. Videos, for instance, work perfectly to communicate visual content and the subtitle function even ensures access for people with a hearing disability.

                    Emojis help to communicate messages better and give clues to the content for people with a reading disability. This approach works especially well for social media posts.

                    Using creative elements also means to make the right choice regarding the corporate identity. Avoid hard to read colors (e. g. yellow) and hard to read color combinations (e. g. dark gray font on black elements).

                    Accessibility in marketing


                    Conclusion: Focus on user experience

                    The trend in marketing clearly goes in the direction of user experience. Technical aspects and for search engines generated content will not lose relevance but in the foreground are human beings and their interests. Accessibility in marketing is part of user experience because businesses are responsible for reaching out to all users equally. With plugins / apps for your website, changes in design and content distribution you will reach this goal.


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