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7 advantages of business digitization [2023] 994 537 Lukas Aumair

7 advantages of business digitization [2023]


Digitalization of businesses comes with some less known advantages which have a huge impact. FRAMR. presents the seven most important ones.

In this article:

  1. Digitalization: Too many businesses miss the trend
  2. Why digitization for businesses is important
  3. The advantages of business digitization
  4. Advantages for your cients
  5. This is how the implementation succeeds
  6. Are there any disadvantages and risks of business digitization?
  7. Conclusion


Digitalization: Too many businesses miss the trend

The digital transformation is advancing, but not all companies are successfully following suit. In a way, that’s understandable, because the switch to digital processes doesn’t happen overnight. Nonetheless, small and medium-sized companies in particular are missing out on opportunities if they sleep through current trends and fail to realign their strategies. 

Before we take a closer look at the benefits of digitization, we examine the current situation and what difficulties exist in the digital restructuring of corporate processes. Finally, we also look at possible disadvantages to give a better overall view of the topic.

First, an important message: Don’t think too complicatedly when it comes to digitization. Every company goes through the journey of expanding digital processes, be it in internal communications or in advertising. It’s not just about the big steps, whereby an analog company suddenly transforms into a tech giant. The following therefore does not resemble a manual in the direction of “How do I use less paper in the company”, but rather relates to the digitization of internal processes (e.g. marketing and recruitment).

Man using tablet

Mobility and social media are two main advantages of the digital progress | © NordWood Themes

The advantages of digitization in companies are well known to many. Thanks to technological progress, there are financial savings opportunities, companies generate more sustainably and offer their customers flexible solutions. Difficulties often arise during implementation – that’s why we have prepared the following tips to pave the way for the digitization of your company and to better prepare you for implementation measures.


Why digitization for businesses is important

Even though digitization is making progress in companies, the processes and competences still have room for improvement. A statistic published on February 14, 2022 shows that 35 percent of German companies consider themselves to be digitalization pioneers and, in turn, 44 percent state that they have increased their sales through digital measures.*

Progress is therefore discernible, but there is still a lot of potential to be exploited. Other countries, especially the USA, are much more advanced and are already using digital technologies that are not yet used in the DACH region or are used to a lesser extent.

AI applications are a good example of this, but they are now also becoming more popular in Germany. One example is generative AI applications such as ChatGPT.

Even before the development of AI, German companies recognized the benefits of digitization in the world of work. For example, statistics from May 2022 show that German companies with more than 50 employees have invested approximately €234 billion in service projects for digitization. The willingness to digitize is therefore there, but why does it seem to be progressing so slowly?

The real challenge lies in the lack of a doer mentality. Entrepreneurship already faces various hurdles (e.g., financial or bureaucratic) and processes for digitization do not improve the situation: the first step requires external consultants or the expansion of internal personnel structures. Then comes strategy development, which requires countless consultations within the team. The next step is implementation, which involves a high financial investment.
The thought of this process alone prevents many companies from taking the necessary steps and implementing digital measures.

However, this is no reason to stop or even rethink the change, because digital measures are gradually replacing analog processes. A good example of this is marketing: fewer and fewer companies are relying on print media, but instead on websites, search engine optimization and social media. Online processes are in fact easier to measure and thus enable more efficient use of available resources. However, only a few companies have the ability to implement various online marketing measures at the same time. But there are hardly any disadvantages to this, because even if a company focuses exclusively on search engine optimization, it is already reaping the benefits, even though other measures (e.g., social media) are not yet taking effect.

Therefore, our tip: Digitize your business processes step by step and don’t restructure everything overnight. This minimizes the effort and ensures a proportionate cost structure.


7 underestimated advantages of business digitization

Which advantages do digitized businesses have besides more flexibility, expandation of mobility and a more efficient use of resources? Many businesses ask questions like this and we anticipate it right away: Setting long term goals is the most important factor.

The advantages of digitalization in businesses are the following:

  • Digitalization encourages competition and innovative ways of competing with others
  • Better service for customers is provided
  • Obtaining new employees easier
  • Expanding communication structures
  • Creating new jobs
  • Easy measurement of processes
  • Potential of optimizing processes
  • Saving money


Digitalization encourages competition and innovative ways of competing with others

Growing competition requires constant rethinking of one’s own offering and customer communication. Right from the start, companies ask themselves to what extent their products or services set them apart from competitors and position them in relation to their target group. And the digital transformation offers additional opportunities to expand internal processes in order to constantly improve the offering and strengthen the company’s own brand.

Here, competition enables some opportunities; after all, competitors are also recognizing the benefits of digitization and optimizing their processes based on the adapting desires of the target group. But what initially appears to be a disadvantage actually promotes your company, because in a constantly growing market with a lot of competition, you are in a position to stay on the ball and offer something new. And because of the competition, there is no standstill, which constantly creates room for more innovation on the market.


Better service for customers is provided

The centralization of work processes ensures that companies can provide their customers with better service. A good example of this is the area of digital signage – thanks to the centralized, cloud-based solution approach, maintenance work is carried out holistically and not every customer is looked after individually, at least in the case of cloud hosting. This saves personnel and financial resources, and the centralized service guarantees long-term functionality. The latter also has a positive effect on customer satisfaction.


Obtaining new employees easier

Posting a vacancy, waiting for applications, and going through a long selection process – that’s what recruitment looked like for a long time, and it’s still common practice at many companies in 2022. In the course of digitalization, however, this changed and companies are finding it easier to obtain personnel, especially through social media channels such as LinkedIn or Xing.
Especially smaller start-ups and founding teams take advantage of this, because freelancer portals enable uncomplicated as well as flexible placement of orders without permanent personnel commitment. Due to the remote work (home office) of the freelancers, no additional office space is required and this saves costs.

Home Office Laptop Aussicht

Home Office: Remote work is one of the biggest advantages of digitalization | © Austin Poon


Creating new jobs

With digitization, many companies are pursuing the goal of expanding analog work steps as best they can through the use of modern technologies in order to preserve existing jobs. Since then, however, the digital transformation has also seen the emergence of many new occupational fields, especially in the areas of IT and digital marketing. Existing jobs are gaining additional relevance (e.g., web design) and more analog fields are undergoing a digital transformation (e.g., designers for print who now design digital media)


Easy measurement of processes

This advantage is particularly evident in digital marketing. Key figures such as reach and click-through rate can be easily accessed and provide precise insights into the success of the measures taken. Tools such as Google Analytics or the insights on social media channels such as Facebook or Instagram are particularly helpful here. But it is not only in marketing that companies benefit from better measurability, because every digital process is based on evaluable key figures.
In our blog article “What is monitoring?” we explain the advantages of process monitoring in companies and which software is available to you for this purpose.


Potential of optimizing processes

Every process goes through a test phase and it is initially uncertain whether something works or not. But it is precisely the measurability of digital processes that offers optimization potential, because it is immediately apparent from the figures whether an established measure promises the desired success.

Here again, digital advertising is a suitable example. Facebook ads or Google Ads not only promise a lot of reach and more leads, the evaluation of the data also provides information about which approaches or which type of ads perform best. This in turn enables efficient and targeted use of available resources, resulting in exponential growth.

Ready for take off?

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Saving money

Let’s stay with the example of digital advertising: Optimizing digital advertising, be it in terms of content or strategy, saves resources in the long run and for the future you know which advertising measures to consider and which not. This permanent optimization process provides immense financial savings over the years and also gives you the opportunity to learn more about the interests as well as needs of your target group – a win-in situation, because you save money and at the same time you target your marketing more specifically to potential customers, which increases sales in your company.

Note: Our examples mainly considered marketing, but other business areas also benefit from the advantages mentioned so far. Whether it’s human resources, logistics, marketing or production, the benefits of digitization for companies exist across divisions and industries.


Summary of advantages

The greatest advantage comes from the long-term optimization of internal company processes. Initially, digitization in the company requires financial investments and targeted planning, but this process is worthwhile because you gain better insights into the result structure and recognize potential that is denied you with analog methods.


Advantages for your clients

  • Shorter delivery times
  • Faster communication
  • Better information exchange (e.g. through a FAQ section)
  • Lower product costs
  • Targeted interaction (e.g. through gamification)
  • Improved user experience


This is how the implementation succeeds

The good news is that establishing digital work processes does not require any serious structural changes in the company. Instead, you analyze existing processes and define measures for digitization. We recommend selecting individual areas and developing a strategy for each subarea.
Example: As a team, you decide to optimize your company’s website for search engines and, at the same time, you commission the development of an app. Here, it is less important which step you focus on first, but rather which strategy you define for the individual steps, i.e. search engine optimization and app development.



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Are there any disadvantages and risks of business digitization?

Digital transformation promises a wide range of benefits, but some are still skeptical. Many criticize, for example, that jobs are at risk as a result of digitization. Others, in turn, see the financial outlay as a major hurdle.

It is a misconception to claim that digitized work processes will lead to job losses, because some professions downright require retraining to learn new skills. A good example is the profession of architect – ten to 20 years ago, houses were created on paper, now they are created with digital programs. And thanks to continuing education, even architects trained in the 1990s know how to use modern software.

The objection that digitization requires high investments is also not entirely correct. It is true that in marketing, for example, many test phases are required to assess the success of an advertising measure, and content marketing in particular is known to involve a high investment of time as well as money. However, it should not go unmentioned that such investments are worthwhile in most cases and the average return on investment in content marketing is four percent*. This means that the supposed disadvantage turns into an advantage in the long term.


Conclusion: Advantages of business digitization outdo the disadvantages

Digital business processes will be indispensable in 2023. The advantages of digitization range from increased flexibility to expansion of competition. Many see the digital transformation as a threat to jobs, but it is precisely the basic innovative idea that will create further opportunities in the future to combine analog workforce with modern technology. Business areas such as marketing are already showing the added value that the implementation of digital strategies offers companies, not to mention the opportunities to use resources more efficiently and evaluate results more accurately.

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    What is corporate communication? Definition, goals & examples 994 537 Lukas Aumair

    What is corporate communication? Definition, goals & examples



    What is corporate communication and what measures do companies need to take? Everything about definition and goals + examples.


    In this article:

    1. Corporate communication definition
    2. Which goals need to be achieved?
    3. Business communication as a part of corporate behavior
    4. Corporate communication examples
    5. Rules of business communication
    6. Business communication checklist
    7. Consider and overcome linguistic hurdles
    8. Corporate social responsibility: An important message for businesses
    9. Our final advice
    10. Conclusion
    11. FAQ


    The most important in a nutshell

    • Corporate communication considers both, internal and external communication
    • A goal oriented corporate communication improves working climate and the interaction between staff
    • Good communication structures will have a positive impact on your business image and promises competition advantages


    Corporate communication as a key element to a working business

    Efficiency and sales will always be a company’s number one priority. There is nothing wrong with that because only economically strong businesses will survive on a highly competitive market. But it’s about under which circumstances this goal will be achieved. In the past decades most businesses have recognized that employee satisfaction does not only depend on salary but rather on other factors. One of them is corporate communication.

    In this article we will talk about corporate communication and how businesses can use it to their advantage. Moreover we will dive deeper into the importance of individual approaches and social responsibility.


    Corporate communication definition

    The term corporate communication sums up all measures to improve the communication within a company. This concerns not only the communication between a company and its staff (internal) but also the interaction between a business and customers, partners or suppliers (external).


    Which goals need to be achieved?

    Corporate communication follows the goal to create consistent dialogue structures between a company and its stakeholders. But there are other reasons which speak in favor of improving communication structures of a business.

    A good corporate communication improves working climate and strengthens the trust between a business and its staff. That in turn has a positive effect on productivity. Encouraging the internal dialogue also comes with the advantage that there will be less conflicts and that businesses can react better to the wishes of their staff. That results in a healthy business culture with open dialogue structures and strengthened trust between employer and employee.

    In external business communication it’s primarily about such factors which will make a business stand out against its competitors. We are talking about corporate identity. Many don’t associate corporate identity with open dialogues or information exchange but rather with nice looking logos and convincing messages. That is a way to communicate too – corporate communication doesn’t necessarily mean to seek out dialogues because visual elements and messages will also improve business communication.

    Therefore, the goal is not only to communicate transparently and openly but also to use the advantages of visual elements.


    At its core, corporate communication pursues the following goals:

    • Improving corporate identity
    • More transparency for employees
    • Ensuring employee satisfaction
    • Establish a good working climate
    • Reaching business goals
    • Secure competitive advantages
    • Improving business culture as a whole
    • Expanding customer loyalty and customer acquisition as well as improving customer experience
    • Strengthen the business image
    • Cultivating business relationships


    Business communication as a part of corporate behavior

    Corporate behavior is a part of corporate identity and describes the behavior of a business towards its stakeholders. The focus of corporate behavior is on the achievement of goals and whether companies act in the way they communicate to the outside world.

    Corporate behavior is seen as a separate area of corporate identity but it also has an impact on reaching goals and therefore on a business’ behavior as well.

    One example: Through good communication structures businesses will increase productivity of their employees because open dialogues and information exchange build trust as well as satisfaction. This will ensure reaching goals in the long term.

    In general, communication always has a positive impact on corporate business. Possible disadvantages only occur when an information flood limits scope of action and paves the way to micromanagement.


    Corporate communication examples

    To develop your sense for practical application of corporate communication, we will take a closer look at some examples. Hereby it’s especially important to differentiate between internal and external business communication.

    Corporate communication examples internal:

    • Employee interviews
    • Feedback talks
    • Regular trainings to promote knowledge
    • Transparency in information exchange (e. g. through digital signage)
    • Communicating wishes through open dialogues
    • Defining goals clearly and communicating reached goals openly (e. g. through monitoring)

    Communication is key. So approach your employees openly and ask for their feedback. Monthly employee interviews help to recognize wishes and to expose possible conflicts. Corporate communication also means to create a good working climate by avoiding conflicts within your team.

    Every business ideally seeks out dialogues with its employees to respond specifically to wishes and needs. It’s harder to execute this approach for information exchange regarding events or internal changes. A centralized and automated communication structure will help you hereby. Information terminals for example provide a centralized approach to inform employees about news with little effort. Monthly employee meetings will improve and automate corporate communication as well.

    At an external level you need to differentiate between marketing and PR. Companies can increase their positive image through newspaper articles and press releases. Marketing methods on the other hand will help to strengthen the corporate identity and to force customer acquisition.


    Corporate communication examples external: 

    • Press releases
    • Social media channels
    • Digital advertising
    • Interviews
    • Use cases for more transparency
    • Sponsoring
    • Posters and flyers
    • Content marketing
    • Reports for business partners and stockholders
    • TV spots

    Don’t underestimate the effect of sponsoring and press releases. These supposedly old-fashioned PR methods have a strong impact on a business’ image. While they don’t build brand awareness as specifically as maintaining social media channels for example, they do position your company more strongly, especially on a regional level.


    Rules of business communication

    Many businesses primarily focus on external communication because they will win new customers and business partners with it. The key factors for more sales.
    But without satisfied and educated employees, productivity will decrease and your company will have disadvantages in competition. Therefore, you should improve corporate communication as a whole. To improve internal communication structures, you can establish rules which equally apply to all employees. Obligatory rules will ensure a better together within the team and help to reach goals.

    With the following rules of business communication, you will improve existing structures:

    • Openly talk about conflicts
    • Informing employees about changes
    • Monthly employee meetings (to talk about collective challenges)
    • Obligatory trainings for all business departments
    • Showing appreciation towards your employees

    There are two things to consider when executing these rules. On the one hand you should make sure that these rules will become part of the business values. Every team member needs to know about these rules and recognize that they follow a purpose. On the other hand you shouldn’t ignore financial and timely aspects. You better ensure to have enough resources to establish regular employee meetings or employee interviews.


    Business communication checklist

    • Involve all employees into the process
    • Talk about the current situation and challenges with your team
    • Define clear goals and which tasks need to be done
    • Consider budget and human resources
    • Establish fix days and times for employee interviews, trainings and feedback talks
    • Approach the worries of your employees and convince them with good arguments
    • Consider your customers and your business partners
    • Determine channels to communicate business internal messages
    • Don’t give empty promises but rather set realistic measures
    • Talk regularly about the approached measures and if all employees are okay with it
    • Repeat all the steps and optimize them where it’s necessary


    Consider and overcome linguistic hurdles

    Corporate communication is aimed at different groups of persons but exactly this aspect is often ignored by many businesses.
    Law changes in data security need to be communicated differently to human resource employees than to a data protection officer. It’s also pointless to use information terminals as the only source of communication when many employees work at home or in the field service.

    Linguistic barriers hinder goal oriented approaches. Ask yourself the following questions to eliminate possible hurdles in internal corporate communication:

    • Do all employees have access to information?
    • Are there linguistic barriers because of different nationalities?
    • Do we use too much professional language?
    • Is our communication directed towards the perspective of our employees?
    • Do we grow faster than we can improve our communication structures?

    In external communication it’s especially important to consider the principles of marketing. A basic differentiation between B2B and B2C clients is a good start but a deeper selection will help more in the long term.

    Ready for take off?

    Are you looking for an efficient way to improve communication in your company? Then only with the innovative digital signage software by FRAMR! Try it for FREE.

    Corporate social responsibility: An important message for businesses

    In 2023, external communication means more than just good PR and marketing. Businesses show more social responsibility, be it through better compliance, approaches to expand environmentally friendly working processes or more accessibility.

    There are laws as a guideline to execute these measures. But there are other objective measures which support the execution too. One of them ist the principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR).

    In the core, CSR describes the voluntary contribution of a business to a sustainable development of the economy. This includes climate protection, measures against corruption or an ethical justifiable business culture. Some guidelines of specific countries (e. g. Germany) force bigger businesses to create reports about their CSR approaches but for other companies the contribution is voluntary.

    CSR sends an important message to businesses: Social consciousness and responsibility become more relevant. When thinking of corporate communication, don’t only consider promising messages or convincing marketing but social aspects as well.


    Our final advice

    Take care of executing corporate communication in a holistic approach. Many businesses strongly focus on external communication because marketing promises more sales and a stronger public image. Thereby employee satisfaction and internal conflict mastering have a massive impact on the success of a business as well.

    Before you execute measures for a better corporate communication, deal with the question if your team equally builds structures for both internal and external communication to approach a holistic process- and structure optimization. In order to promote corporate communication, your company should also push the development of digital competence in order to create more efficient structures and also keep communication channels shorter.


    Conclusion: The human being is in the foreground

    Businesses face the challenge that a standardized approach through corporate communication is barely possible. Because of the already mentioned linguistic hurdles, businesses can only partly automize their communication processes.

    Therefore, it’s better for businesses to follow the goal to establish automated processes which consider individual customer wishes or desires of employees. It’s also important to overcome linguistic hurdles.


    Finally, we will answer commonly asked questions about corporate communication.

    Marketing communication concerns commericialization of a product or a service. Corporate communication on the other hand also considers the appearance of a brand and the image of a business. 

    Corporate communication does not only focus on the advantages of a product or a service but will ensure the communication of the business image. At an internal level, businesses ensure higher employee satisfaction and increased productivity. 

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      Here is why digital advertising is better than offline marketing 994 537 Lukas Aumair

      Here is why digital advertising is better than offline marketing


      The influence of digital advertising can be seen in the success of many companies. But are digital measures better than classic marketing?

      In this article: 

      1. Digital advertising: Better than offline marketing?
      2. Adaptability is required
      3. What is digital advertisement?
      4. What does digital media offer that TV advertising does not?
      5. What are the costs of digital advertising?
      6. Offline marketing vs. online marketing: Which one is better?
      7. Conclusion
      8. FAQ


      Digital advertising: Better than offline marketing?

      Businesses prove themselves against competitors with good marketing. Because of the rising competition, it is required to re-think strategies and be innovative. But even more important is advertising to reach the right target group. In the past years, the direction has changed and social media as well as facebook advertising have started a new age of marketing. But are these methods better than the classic ones?

      Digital advertising

      Digital advertising: More than Social Media | © Adem AY


      Digital advertising: Adaptability is required

      A company’s success is defined not only by a brilliant idea or marketing strategy, but also by its ability to adapt to current trends. Until around 2010, digital marketing was still in its infancy and only a few companies even had their own website or email inbox. But in recent years, it has become very clear how businesses of all sizes benefit from digital marketing. It has never been so easy to achieve national or even international recognition and to address one’s target group in a targeted manner.

      How dangerous it is to oversleep such trends is demonstrated by the company “Quelle”. The company from the Bavarian town of Fürth successfully held its own on the market for more than 80 years, but the situation changed – the company continued to rely on the tried-and-tested Quelle catalog and disregarded digital trends. The insolvency application followed in 2009. Admittedly, an insolvency application is not due to a single misstep, but oversleeping current marketing trends played a serious role in this case.

      This example shows the serious consequences that affect even established companies if they fail to adapt to change. The transition from classic marketing methods to digital advertising is not complete – on the contrary – new trends regularly emerge and this allows more creative scope, but this also increases the pressure in the competitive battle.
      The change is having an effect, and this becomes clear when looking at the strategies of companies of all sizes. Terms such as “social media” or “content” did not attract any attention ten years ago, but in 2022 they are an integral part of every marketing portfolio.


      What is digital advertisement?

      Marketing and advertising – many use these terms as synonyms but they have different meanings. Marketing is a holistic, strategic process which doesn’t only focus the aspects of advertising but also involves administrative and personnel decisions. Advertising on the other hand is how businesses communicate their marketing strategies to their potential customers. Classic marketing methods are TV advertising, flyers and banners. Digital marketing re-defines the process of communication and focuses on social media as well as social advertising.

      Examples for digital advertising:

      The influence of digital advertising is growing and plays a decisive role in the marketing of a company’s own offering. This also expands the opportunities to try out creative approaches (e.g. gamification). A few years ago, few people would have thought of presenting their advertising via a screen rather than a billboard. But it was precisely these changes that redirected the course of success for many companies.


      What does digital media offer that TV advertising does not?

      More and more businesses use the possibilities given by the age of digitalization. People of all ages use social media as well as they use google search to find inspiration. Digital displays prove themselves because they appear more high-grade than classic banners and the possibilities regarding designs are much bigger. There are many more reasons because besides reaching the right target group and the process of design, businesses find more other advantages.

      The advantages of digital advertising are the following: 

      • Higher adaptability
      • Mobile availability
      • Efficiency in terms of costs
      • More discreet

      Both companies and their target group benefit from these advantages – this interaction makes digital advertising an useful option as a whole because businesses work more efficiently and they reach new customers at the same time.


      Higher adaptability

      Growing competition is causing companies from all industries to think in several directions. Not only does a company’s own offering and its relevance for potential new customers play an important role, it must also constantly keep an eye on the competition. Competitive analyses were already part of a company’s tasks before the digital transformation, but in the course of digitization, this subarea is weighted more heavily than ever before. New trends are regularly established and there are changes in marketing, which means that companies that do not take these trends into account will be at a competitive disadvantage.

      The short-lived needs of the target group also require a flexible rendition of advertising in order to appeal to precisely these needs and target people. Classic advertising methods such as flyers or banners reach their limits here. The design and printing process takes more time than content creation for digital advertising, and adaptation options are few and far between. Every time a trend changes, new flyers or posters are required and the entire process behind them takes a lot of time.

      Taking digital billboards as an example, it shows how uncomplicated modern ways of advertising are: Throughout the day it is possible to display ads for target group A and in the evening businesses can reach target group B. The content of digital signage is adaptive and unbound – even service providers take advantage of that because they are given the possibility to display the latest information on a specific topic.


      Mobile availability

      Having access to content everytime and everywhere – the flexibility of tablets and smartphones has a positive impact on businesses’ reach. Banners almost exclusively reach people from one region and flyers barely make it outside the neighbors post box. Things work differently with digital advertising: The target group searches for something on google and then goes to facebook – thanks to social ads a company from Vienna reaches customers from Munich.


      Efficiency in terms of costs

      The purchase of a mobile display might appear expensive and social ads can also cost businesses a lot of money. But the adaptability creates space for test phases. Especially social ads provide advantages because the measurability of results gives a better insight and therefore creates potential for improvement.


      More discreet

      Digital advertising primarily reaches people who have a potential interest in services or products. Google ads are only visible for people who searched for something specific and digital ads aren’t intrusive either. However, it’s a different story with a flier in the post box and advertising breaks on TV are also annoying (because they interrupt the most exciting scenes of a movie).

      Communication: Thanks to digital marketing it is uncomplicated and businesses reach more potential customers | © Headway


      What are the costs of digital advertising?

      Companies better calculate more generously at the beginning, because the first step requires some test phases that cost money accordingly. However, it must be weighed up which goals a company sets. If the focus is on lead generation, more budget is required than if brand awareness is to be expanded.

      The cost aspect must always be considered on a case-by-case basis. The more extensive the strategy and the advertising measures that go with it, the more expensive it is to implement. Much more important than the costs, however, is the efficient use of the available budget. In the long term, the measurability of digital marketing measures allows for good potential savings and better targeting of advertising to the target group.

      Not every form of digital advertising grants good measurability, however, but the potential for savings can be seen in other ways. Let’s take the digital billboard as an example: it’s hard to track how many people buy a product in a clothing store through advertising displays, but parallel processes for evaluating the target group enable more effective reproduction of content. If analyses show that mainly younger people visit a shopping center in the afternoon at 3 p.m. and middle-aged people tend to visit in the evening from 7 p.m. onwards, the flexibility in content playback allows the content to be aligned with the target group accordingly.


      Offline marketing vs. online marketing: Which one is better?

      It’s wrong to say that all classic marketing methods are bad because they are the fundamental approach to digital marketing and many businesses use flyers as well as banners successfully. In comparison, digital marketing only provides advantages.

      That mainly shows in the possibilities to adapt, mobile availability, measurability of results and efficiency. The investment in classic marketing is a risk because businesses can’t determine concrete numbers. Sure, not every method provides good measurability but a holistic digital marketing strategy does.

      However, there are also two disadvantages in offline marketing. On the one hand it’s complicated to start the right way. Those who have never occupied themselves with digital marketing 101 might need a consultant or many hours of research to find the best strategies for their own business. Another disadvantage are the high expectations – especially small businesses expect too many new customers once they created their own website or started with social media. The rising competition makes that a tough challenge because the good places in google and social media channels are limited.

      However, search engines and social media aren’t the only ways to use digital marketing. In the end, a good strategy combines the strengths of many different areas. In case a company has always been successful with events it of course can still be part of a holistic strategy.


      Conclusion: A lasting trend that requires innovation

      The comfort zone is a dangerous place especially in marketing. If there is one disadvantage in digital marketing it’s to ignore current trends. However, a turnaround is not accomplished from one day to the next and businesses have time to adapt.

      Digital advertising is superior to offline marketing, no matter if we talk about flexibility, costs or mobility. The only disadvantage is the amount of given possibilities and that companies choose the wrong ones. However, the ones who are prepared will not fail.

      Article → Cloud based solutions B2B: Digital signage and more



      Following we will answer the most frequently asked questions about digital advertising.

      It depends on how much money you spend and what you want to achieve. You can start with just a few euros but if you want a positive return on investment you will have to invest a few thousand euros each month to succeed.

      Digital advertising includes all media which can be used to market products or services, so facebook ads, google ads, social media, newsletter marketing, content or videos.

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        Pizzetti Take Away 1024 768 Lukas Aumair

        Pizzetti Take Away

        At the Pizzetti takeaway franchise, frameless Panasonic TH-55VF2H displays spotlight tempting Italian treats to busy walk-in customers. Managing content through two FRAMR.Player PROs, each with two outputs, allows separate content on each screen in the highest quality – across all of the company’s locations.

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          Digital signage in Le Jardin restaurant 1024 682 Lukas Aumair

          Digital signage in Le Jardin restaurant

          A unique dining club in the middle of Linz: Le Jardin. During the week, a fine-dining restaurant and bar, followed by a metamorphosis into a club on the weekends. Enjoyment & relaxation in the middle of Linz in an idyllic garden located in the inner courtyard. The restaurant places great emphasis on regional products of the highest quality, both for the lunch menu and for à la carte dishes in the evening. Because regionality counts in every respect, local products from the company Megatechnik were used for the display advertisements.

          To promote Le Jardin’s unique symbiosis of restaurant, bar & club, a FRAMR. Player PRO was installed, which feeds an LED wall with different contents. During the day with excerpts from the menu and advertising subjects for dishes and daily gastro promotions, in the evening party visuals provide the musical and visual background. Parallel to the closing time of the staff, the time-controlled player also switches off in order to transmit pleasure and joy again punctually the next morning.

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            FRAMR. Salzwelten Hallein 1024 768 Lukas Aumair

            FRAMR. Salzwelten Hallein

            Clearly arranged and well informed, walk in the footsteps of the Celts through the oldest salt mine in the world: FRAMR. Player PRO displays in the indoor and outdoor areas of the Salzwelten Hallein ensure that no one misses anything. Neither bus departure times, nor start times of guided tours, nor any other information worth knowing.

            Five FRAMR. Player PRO with two output channels each were installed in the exhibition and visitor center. This allows the control of up to two separately controlled screens. In the ticket office area, dynamic price lists and videos of the exhibition are displayed. FRAMR. Player follow the visitors from the very beginning through the whole exhibition, for example as general info points & advertising screens, and serve as orientation for the small and big visitors.

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