
Digital Signage mit Social Media konfigurieren
Build That Brand! Show your social feeds via FRAMR. Signage 994 537 Sebastian Loos

Build That Brand! Show your social feeds via FRAMR. Signage

Build That Brand! Show your social feeds via FRAMR. Signage

Companies around the world take advantage of the power of social media. According to Hootsuite, increasing brand awareness is one of the most important goals here. So too with the use of digital displays.

The combination of digital signage and social media promises benefits in terms of brand building, communication and engagement. That’s why the FRAMR. team has developed several modules to combine the strengths of both applications.

Embed social media feeds to digital signage


In short: What are the benefits of playing out social feeds via digital signage? 

Integrating social media feeds with digital signage provides real-time interaction, drives audience engagement, strengthens brand presence, and enables the display of customer reviews. This dynamic connection optimizes communication and provides an effective way to combine online and offline presence.

Below, you’ll learn:

  • What benefits the combination of digital signage and social media promises,
  • which modules our team has developed
  • and what content your team can create to promote different goals.


The FRAMR social media modules at a glance

HTML plugin for Facebook and Instagram 

Through HTML you can easily display posts from Facebook and Instagram via digital signage. Crossposting is not the only option here, because you can also customize the posts according to your ideas and show them to different target groups. And if you want to change something visually, you can also change text and image separately via the respective modules. 

-> Here you can find instructions to configure Facebook content with FRAMR. Signage. 

You can also easily show tweets via displays to share the latest news or refer to events. Twitter has published a step-by-step guide for embedded posts on its website.


TikTok videos

Of course, the fastest growing social media channel can’t be missing here. With TikTok integration, you can reach your target audience in an entertaining way. Especially useful for businesses with a younger target audience. What’s more, the TikTok module enables real-time display updates, so you’re always presented with the latest content. 



Using a YouTube link, the module uploads a video and plays it as if it was stored locally in the playlist. Especially good for companies that want to present an image film and generally use the strengths of videos


How does the integration of the social media modules work?

FRAMR. modules integrate via an intuitive, easy-to-use drag-and-drop system. In the application, you can create and arrange content according to your preferences. Select the module you want and then configure it with the content. Here you can test this process for free. 

-> You want to know ALL the requirements for the successful use of digital signage? Then we recommend our article7 important requirements for the use of digital signage“. 


Social media integration: the best content ideas for FRAMR. Signage

  • Informative articles
  • News from the company or the industry
  • Customer ratings and reviews
  • Sweepstakes 
  • Customer stories or success stories 
  • Product demonstrations and tutorials
  • Information about public holidays or vacation
  • User-generated content (e.g., product photos)


Digital signage and social media: The advantages at a glance

More reach, more time

Cross-posting saves your company a lot of time in content creation. For example, if your team has created a Facebook post, it can be shared simultaneously on FRAMR. Signage. As a result, your posts also generate more reach. 

Also consider this benefit in terms of digital signage’s location independence. Your posts will not only be seen in-house, but also outside at different times of the day via outdoor steles. This also creates touch points with people who have never had anything to do with your company. 


Increase transparency

In a survey, 74% of employees say they don’t hear news from the company because internal communications are not good enough. The combination of digital signage and social media effectively addresses this issue.

Digital signage applications are a great way to improve employee communication – screens catch the eye quickly and visual elements are better remembered. This is also where social media’s strengths come into play, as a post typically includes an image or video. Recent news communicated via social media can also be shared easily via displays, allowing all employees to see it. 

There are also advantages in customer communications in terms of transparency. In certain industries, there is a certain dependency on information regarding vacation planning, for example, in order to get an appointment at the doctor or at the car repair shop. Digital signage can be used to inform patients or customers in good time about a company vacation or the team’s absence in general. 

Here, your team can also announce periods with expected increased utilization. An example of this is auto repair shops that expect increased utilization in March/April and October/November due to tire changes. By giving advance notice, appointments can be better coordinated.


Authenticity and social proof

With the social media integration, it is possible to share customer reviews. This facilitates the marketing of your products or services, plus it eases the decision-making process of potential customers because the feedback answers remaining questions and positively influences the perception of the brand. 

Social media posts about teamwork or a behind-the-scenes look at your business makes it more reachable. It comes across as more down-to-earth, more likable and therefore more likely to be perceived as a brand. This also overcomes inhibitions of potential customers, business partners and applicants. 


Engagement and interaction

Through posts, the target group engages more with your social media profiles and opens up new touch points within the customer journey, for example by following your profiles. This promotes customer loyalty and possibly increases revenue per customer. 

But there are also multiplier effects, because new followers increase reach and engagement rates. This sends positive signals to social media algorithms, causing more people to see your profiles. In addition, an increasing number of followers improves the external perception and makes your company appear more attractive – be it to customers, business partners or applicants. 

Interaction by visitors or customers is particularly interesting in connection with sweepstakes. Few people will interact with digital signage through informative posts, but sweepstakes increase the number of participants. The applications create an innovative, modern customer experience – plus your business generates more leads and increases the engagement rates. 

-> Leads and engagement rates are not the only relevant metrics, however. In our article 5 important KPIs for measuring the success of digital signage, we list the relevant measures of success.



The interaction of digital signage and social media promotes brand building. Corporate identity posts leave a good overall impression and digital signage displays enhance a modern brand image. Through strong messages, your company positions itself additionally and stays in the minds of the target group.



The combination of digital signage and social media combines two essential components for a modern brand image. Whether it’s higher engagement, brand building or more transparency in communication – your company benefits in many ways from the FRAMR. Modules. 

Here, you can post from the most popular social media channels, i.e. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. However, you don’t have to adopt the posts one-to-one, but you can customize them with the different modules. 

Digital Signage for the public sector
10 Eye-catching content ideas for digital signage 1024 768 Sebastian Loos

10 Eye-catching content ideas for digital signage


We present 10 eye-catching content ideas for digital signage.

Digital signage offers your business innovative solutions for many application scenarios. Whether marketing, presentation or employee communication – there are no limits to your creativity. However, we have made the experience that businesses often have too concrete ideas about their areas of application and limit themselves to these. An approximate plan is a good thing, but you tend to overlook your possibilities. That’s why we want to inspire you with the following content ideas! 


News and events

With digital signage you can point out current news or events. This doesn’t necessarily have to be information about discount promotions, you can also display information about opening hours, for example.

You are completely flexible in the design and have no long preparation times – simply create the content within a few minutes and play it out or adapt it in real time. 

Using digital signage applications, your target group can also interact and navigate independently with information terminals. The intuitive user interface makes it easy. Combine this with gamification elements and you offer your target audience an appealing and interactive user experience, which at the same time does not distract from the essentials. 


Product presentations

Did you know that 91% of consumers prefer visual content over text? That means, without digital signage you would be missing out on some opportunities in terms of audience engagement! The versatile options in content creation will showcase your product range perfectly and convince your customers. You want a video presentation? No problem! Or are you into something outstanding and want to present your products audio-visually? This is also possible with digital signage. 

Thanks to versatile hardware options, you are hardly limited in the format – not to mention the presentation in the highest resolution. Flexibility, quality and wow effects, only digital signage can do that!



Social Media Posts

Keep your customers up to date and present them your stunning social media feeds! You posted a gripping video on TikTok only a few days ago? Or an informative post on Facebook? Then show it off to your customers! And if your business has already reached a milestone or two on social media, you can proudly show off the follower count (good for social proof!).


Customer reviews

Speaking of social proof, nothing builds trust like reviews from satisfied customers. It’s up to you in which format the testimonials are displayed. Whether text with customer image or star badge. Testimonials won’t distract from the essentials either, because you can freely arrange content and display customer reviews in a small format, for example.


Tips and tricks

The possibilities in content creation offer you a lot of scope for creative designs. Use this for your business and present helpful tips that offer added value. Many medical practices show hygiene tips via digital signage, for example. And with beautiful pictures or videos, the whole thing doesn’t look uninspired, but attractive and appealing.



Keep it simple! It doesn’t always have to be elaborate and complicated. A few pictures, videos or audio tracks arouse curiosity and enhance the appearance of your company. 

Inspiration: Show a countdown and when it expires, you can present the latest news or new products, for example. Be creative and use the element of surprise for yourself! 



Live streams

You know how it is: at lunch in a fast food restaurant or with a piece of cake in a café, sports or musical entertainment provides the ideal feel-good factor. Digital signage offers an integrated live stream function for playing sports, music or other content. 


Employee communication

Not only your target audience benefits from the strengths of innovative digital signage applications, but also your employees. Use the diverse design options and communicate current information with appealing, visual designs. 



Sure, discount promotions always work. But with a nice visual presentation they are even better received by your target group, because besides the price reduction, the design plays an important role. 


Your creativity

We keep the last content idea quite general and appeal to your creative vein. You don’t have to stick to the guidelines, because digital signage offers you a lot of creative leeway. Try something new, try your own creations and dare to do something unusual. Digital signage combines the strengths of digital marketing with the approaches of user experience and promises an innovative end result to address its target audience. 


That’s not all!

Our content ideas serve as inspiration, but there are more possibilities. Digital signage is intuitive, flexible and visually appealing – a combination that promises your business some advantages in terms of marketing and communication. 

So be sure to take a look at the FRAMR. Cockpit to explore the versatile world of digital signage and your design options. 

Are you curious? Then contact us! We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about digital signage and how it can benefit your business.


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    Online webinars 994 537 Linda

    Online webinars

    FRAMR – Digitale Signage and it's functions

    Fr. Jan. 27th 2023

    11.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.

    Seminar leader: Lukas Aumair

    Seminar Management

    Lukas Aumair

    Lukas Aumair – Founder FRAMR & CEO Megatechnik Multimedia Professional GmbH



    Who are the online webinars suitable for?

    The online webinars are suitable for anyone who wants to digitize and automate their work and communication processes. It doesn’t matter whether you have already had contact with digital signage or are looking for an introduction to the application.


    Which tool do I need to participate in the webinars?

    Participation in the webinars takes place via Google Meet. Therefore, you don’t have to install any additional tool.


    What content do the online webinars cover?

    Our goal is to show the benefits of digital signage and help you get started with the application. We also see the online webinars as an opportunity to interact with companies that are already using digital signage.


    How long does the webinar last?

    Our webinars last between 30 and 60 minutes. In terms of content, we try to finish after 30 to 45 minutes to allow time for questions.


    How many people can attend per webinar?

    We don’t commit to an exact number of participants, so we welcome anyone who wants to attend!


    What are the first two online webinars about?

    In the technical webinar “Digital Signage and its Functions”, we provide exclusive insights into the advantages and functions of signage software and how companies can benefit from it. In the second webinar, “Content Marketing in Digitalization”, we will discuss the influence of digitalization on advertising and strategic marketing processes. In addition, you can expect valuable impulses on trends and future developments. The webinars do not build on each other, but move thematically in a similar direction to provide a coherent overall picture.


    FREE REGISTRATION Digital Signage and its functions