Case Study – Anton Bruckner Exhibition


Until October 27, 2024, visitors to St. Florian Abbey can expect something extraordinary: pavilions with digital signage displays to experience Anton Bruckner’s visions in exciting, multimedia presentations. Various actors have explored Bruckner’s life in order to show a reflection of his creative influence.

The result is a portrait that is also made accessible to visitors via digital signage displays from FRAMR. With the user interface developed for the client, visitors can independently select pieces of music by Anton Bruckner or biographical excursions in the pavilion and enjoy them in the highest quality. In the background of the graphical user interface, an animated sine wave reacts to current audio playback and adjusts the amplitude to the intensity of the piece of music.

The FRAMR. Player PRO is connected to an LED wall to present videos in 24-hour continuous operation. It switches between 20 different films that have been specially produced for the exhibition and masked into a round format by the FRAMR. Player into a round format.

Three FRAMR. Player ECO are each connected to an LG outdoor display, which are placed in front of the exhibition pavilions. These displays show information about the exhibition and the content currently playing in the pavilion. As soon as a video or audio content is played in the pavilion, the title of the content and the remaining playing time are also shown on the outdoor displays. All players are networked with each other and communicate in real time.

Two further FRAMR. Player ECO are connected to a BenQ 35” stretch display, which is used for admission control. During the performances, visitors are informed by these displays at the entrance that no admission is required.

To explore the creative spirit of Anton Bruckner, our team has developed an RFID add-on for FRAMR. Player. For this, RFID tags are embedded in 3D figures. After a visitor places a figure on the reader to the left in front of the information terminal, matching content – e.g. church music – is displayed and can then be played back on request.

Used FRAMR.Player




The FRAMR. Player Pro act as info terminals for the independent playback of content.




As soon as a video or audio track is played in the pavilion, the content is also shown on the outdoor display.




The three FRAMR. Eco players are connected to a stretch display to communicate admission stops.